No war against the Ukraine! Bloody War! Paz!
The problems in the world are many, so many that we don’t have time, nor do we have enough means to solve them all one by one…
What we need least at the moment and at no time is wars; in fact, the only thing that wars bring are deaths, sadness, various losses, especially life, often irreparable for human beings.
Our battles are endless. We have lack of peace, hunger, lack of housing and wars do not help us at all. And the saddest thing is that the problems only get worse and those who suffer the most are precisely the weakest and most unprotected, the people!
And that same people, whether Ukrainian, Russian, Greek, Hebrew, Romanian, Jewish, Brazilian, Syrian, German, Lebanese, Armenian, American, Iranian, Canadian, French, English, African, Turkish, Polish, Iraqi, receives the yoke of thoughtless acts of their rulers. Just take a look at what happens, millions of people fleeing Ukraine, seeking shelter in neighboring countries. [because of a war they didn’t create].
While some are struggling, others are looking for peace. We know that many “fight” for different interests, but it is necessary to take into account that all humanity loses a lot, in one way or another.
Volodymyr Zelensky
Volodymyr Olexandrovytch Zelensky [Born: January 25, 1978] is the current President of Ukraine, to which he was sworn in on May 20, 2019. He is a Ukrainian politician, actor, screenwriter, comedian, and film producer/director. Zelensky was born and raised in Kryvyi Rih, a region located in southeastern Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin [Born: October 7, 1952] is the current president of Russia, as well as having served as a former KGB agent in the foreign department and head of the Soviet and Russian secret services, KGB and FSB, respectively.
Summary of the War between Russia and Ukraine
Since February 24, the international community has watched with perplexity the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The tension between Russia and Ukraine has historical and political motivations and ties, and in many ways they share cultural habits, which both unite and separate them, and are situated in a conflicted zone of Europe.
Currently, new sources of tension on the eastern Ukrainian border have reignited fears of a Russian invasion. Such concern is also shared with Western countries, particularly the United States, which are traditional opponents of the Russian government.
The tension between Russia and Ukraine passes through several moments of the constitution of these two nations located in the extreme east of Europe.
Ukraine was dominated by the Russian Empire in the past, later by the Soviet Union.
The professed faith was Orthodox Christian, instituted in 988 by Vladimir I of Kiev (or Saint Vladimir Svyatoslavich “The Great”), who consolidated the kingdom Rus in the territory that corresponds today to Belarus, Russia and Ukraine and extends to the Baltic Sea.
Ukrainian independence officially took place in 1991, through the fragmentation of the former Soviet Union.
What further incited the tempers between the two countries and from its independence, Ukraine approached Western nations, in the political, economic and cultural areas.
This common heritage dates back to the 9th century, when Kiev, the current Ukrainian capital, was the center of the first Slavic state, created by a people who called themselves “Rus”.
It was this great medieval state, which historians call Kievan Rus, that gave rise to Ukraine and Russia – whose current capital, Moscow, emerged in the 12th century. throughout history, it has become the capital of Russia and the largest city in that country.
Ukraine was partially invaded by Russia in the Russian takeover of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014 which is the most current and main tension between Russia and Ukraine.
This rapprochement between Ukraine and the West is viewed with great suspicion by Russia, which fears the loss of an important area of influence.
Currently, there are thousands of Russian soldiers deployed along the eastern Ukrainian border, a scenario that raises fears of a new invasion of the country.
Ukraine has the support of Western nations such as the United States and the United Kingdom, and other countries such as: Belgium, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Croatia and Slovenia; Members of the Western Military Alliance (NATO) North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and (EU) European Union to prevent a possible Russian invasion.
These countries will continue to help Ukraine fight the Russian invasion, provided military aid while also adapting the alliance’s own security to the “new reality” unleashed by the war. Also Israel and Australia, which are not members of the EU or NATO but act as allies, also promised assistance.
Ні війни, Україна | Нет войне, Украина |
No War, Ukraine | Nessuna Guerra, Ucraina |
Kein krieg, Ukraine | Aucune Guerre, Ukraine |
Guerra Não, Ucrânia | Guerra entre Rússia e Ucrânia |
A Realidade do InfernoEstudos Bíblicos |
LiteraturaBíblia Online |
Music & LyricsOs Pensadores |
Nessuna guerra contro Ucraina! Guerra insanguinata! La Pace!
I problemi del mondo sono tanti, così tanti che non abbiamo tempo, né mezzi sufficienti per risolverli tutti uno per uno…
Ciò di cui abbiamo meno bisogno in questo momento e in nessun momento sono le guerre; infatti, l’unica cosa che le guerre portano sono morti, tristezza, perdite varie, soprattutto vite, spesso irreparabili per gli esseri umani.
Le nostre battaglie sono infinite. Abbiamo la mancanza di pace, la fame, la mancanza di alloggi e le guerre non ci aiutano affatto. E la cosa più triste è che i problemi peggiorano e chi soffre di più sono proprio i più deboli e indifesi, le persone!
E quella stessa gente, ucraina, russa, greca, ebraica, rumena, ebraica, brasiliana, siriana, tedesca, libanese, armena, americana, iraniana, canadese, francese, inglese, africana, turca, polacca, irachena, riceve il giogo di atti sconsiderati dei loro governanti. Basta dare un’occhiata a cosa succede, milioni di persone in fuga dall’Ucraina, in cerca di rifugio nei paesi vicini. [a causa di una guerra che non hanno creato].
Mentre alcuni stanno lottando, altri cercano la pace. Sappiamo che molti “combattono” per interessi diversi, ma bisogna tener conto che tutta l’umanità perde molto, in un modo o nell’altro.
Volodymyr Zelensky
Volodymyr Olexandrovytch Zelensky [Nato: 25 gennaio 1978] è l’attuale presidente dell’Ucraina, a cui ha prestato giuramento il 20 maggio 2019. È un politico, attore, sceneggiatore, comico e produttore cinematografico/regista ucraino. Zelensky è nato e cresciuto a Kryvyi Rih, una regione situata nel sud-est dell’Ucraina.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin [Nato: 7 ottobre 1952] è l’attuale presidente della Russia, oltre ad aver servito come ex agente del KGB nel dipartimento degli esteri e capo dei servizi segreti sovietici e russi, rispettivamente del KGB e dell’FSB.
Riassunto della guerra tra Russia e Ucraina
Dal 24 febbraio la comunità internazionale osserva con perplessità l’invasione russa dell’Ucraina.
La tensione tra Russia e Ucraina ha motivazioni e legami storici e politici, e per molti versi condividono abitudini culturali, che le uniscono e le separano, e sono situate in una zona conflittuale dell’Europa.
Attualmente, nuove fonti di tensione al confine orientale dell’Ucraina hanno riacceso i timori di un’invasione russa. Tale preoccupazione è condivisa anche con i paesi occidentali, in particolare gli Stati Uniti, che sono tradizionali oppositori del governo russo.
La tensione tra Russia e Ucraina attraversa diversi momenti della costituzione di queste due nazioni situate nell’estremo oriente dell’Europa.
L’Ucraina è stata dominata dall’Impero russo in passato, poi dall’Unione Sovietica.
La fede professata era quella cristiana ortodossa, istituita nel 988 da Vladimir I di Kiev (o san Vladimir Svyatoslavich “Il Grande”), che consolidò il regno Rus nel territorio che corrisponde oggi a Bielorussia, Russia e Ucraina e si estende fino al Mar Baltico.
L’indipendenza ucraina è avvenuta ufficialmente nel 1991, attraverso la frammentazione dell’ex Unione Sovietica.
Ciò che ha ulteriormente incitato gli animi tra i due paesi e dalla sua indipendenza, l’Ucraina si è avvicinata alle nazioni occidentali, nell’area politica, economica e culturale.
Questa eredità comune risale al IX secolo, quando Kiev, l’attuale capitale ucraina, fu il centro del primo stato slavo, creato da un popolo che si chiamava “Rus”.
Fu questo grande stato medievale, che gli storici chiamano Kievan Rus, che diede origine all’Ucraina e alla Russia, la cui attuale capitale, Mosca, emerse nel XII secolo. nel corso della storia, è diventata la capitale della Russia e la città più grande del paese.
L’Ucraina è stata parzialmente invasa dalla Russia nell’acquisizione russa della penisola di Crimea nel 2014, che è la tensione più attuale e principale tra Russia e Ucraina.
Questo riavvicinamento tra Ucraina e Occidente è visto con grande sospetto dalla Russia, che teme la perdita di un’importante area di influenza.
Attualmente sono migliaia i soldati russi schierati lungo il confine orientale dell’Ucraina, uno scenario che fa temere una nuova invasione del Paese.
L’Ucraina ha il sostegno di nazioni occidentali come Stati Uniti e Regno Unito, e di altri paesi come: Belgio, Portogallo, Italia, Spagna, Grecia, Repubblica Ceca, Polonia, Romania, Canada, Svezia, Finlandia, Danimarca, Norvegia, Croazia e Slovenia; Membri dell’Organizzazione del Trattato del Nord Atlantico dell’Alleanza militare occidentale (NATO) e dell’Unione europea (UE) per prevenire una possibile invasione russa.
Questi paesi continueranno ad aiutare l’Ucraina a combattere l’invasione russa, fornendo aiuti militari e allo stesso tempo adattando la sicurezza dell’alleanza alla “nuova realtà” scatenata dalla guerra. Anche Israele e Australia, che non sono membri dell’UE o della NATO ma agiscono come alleati, hanno anche promesso assistenza.
Ні війни, Україна | Нет войне, Украина |
No War, Ukraine | Nessuna Guerra, Ucraina |
Kein krieg, Ukraine | Aucune Guerre, Ukraine |
Guerra Não, Ucrânia | Guerra entre Rússia e Ucrânia |
A Realidade do InfernoEstudos Bíblicos |
LiteraturaBíblia Online |
Music & LyricsOs Pensadores |
Infinitive | Simple Past | Past Participle | Translated |
Abhor | Abhorred | Abhorred | Odiar, detestar, abominar |
Accept | Accepted | Accepted | Aceitar |
Add | Added | Added | Acrescentar, somar |
Adore | Adored | Adored | Adorar |
Agree | Agreed | Agreed | Concordar |
Amuse | Amused | Amused | Divertir |
Answer | Answered | Answered | Responder |
Appear | Appeared | Appeared | Aparecer |
Applaud | Applauded | Applauded | Aplaudir |
Apply | Applied | Applied | Aplicar |
Argue | Argued | Argued | Discutir, debater, argumentar |
Arrest | Arrested | Arrested | Prender |
Arrive | Arrived | Arrived | Chegar |
Ask | Asked | Asked | Perguntar, pedir |
Attach | Attached | Attached | Ligar, prender, atar, amarrar |
Attend | Attended | Attended | Comparecer, assistir à |
Bang | Banged | Banged | Bater (à porta) |
Bar | Bared | Bared | Barrar, bloquear, trancar, fechar |
Bark | Barked | Barked | Latir |
Bathe | Bathed | Bathed | Banhar |
Behave | Behaved | Behaved | Comportar-se, proceder |
Believe | Believed | Believed | Acreditar, crer |
Belong | Belonged | Belonged | Pertencer |
Blame | Blamed | Blamed | Culpar, censurar |
Borrow | Borrowed | Borrowed | Emprestar (de), tomar emprestado (de) |
Brush | Brushed | Brushed | Escovar |
Call | Called | Called | Chamar, telefonar |
Carry | Carried | Carried | Carregar |
Carve | Carved | Carved | Esculpir |
Catch a cold | Catched a cold | Catched a cold | Pegar um resfriado |
Change | Changed | Changed | Mudar, trocar |
Change one’s mind | Changed one’s mind | Changed one’s mind | Mudar de idéia |
Charge | Charged | Charged | Carregar, enfardar |
Circle | Circled | Circled | Circular |
Circulate | Circulated | Circulated | Circular |
Clean | Cleaned | Cleaned | Limpar |
Climb | Climbed | Climbed | Subir |
Close | Closed | Closed | Fechar |
Collect | Collected | Collected | Recolher, coletar |
Comb | Combed | Combed | Pentear |
Complete | Completed | Completed | Completar |
Confine | Confined | Confined | Confinar |
Consider | Considered | Considered | Considerar |
Cook | Cooked | Cooked | Cozinhar |
Copy | Copied | Copied | Copiar |
Correct | Corrected | Corrected | Corrigir |
Count | Counted | Counted | Contar |
Cover | Covered | Covered | Cobrir |
Cross | Crossed | Crossed | Cruzar, atravessar, ultrapassar |
Dance | Danced | Danced | Dançar |
Darken | Darkened | Darkened | Obscurecer, ofuscar, cegar |
Decide | Decided | Decided | Decidir |
Defy | Defied | Defied | Desafiar |
Delay | Delayed | Delayed | Atrasar,demorar |
Deny | Denied | Denied | Negar |
Describe | Described | Described | Descrever, definir, representar |
Despise | Despised | Despised | Desprezar, definir, representar |
Displease | Displeased | Displeased | Desagradar |
Destroy | Destroyed | Destroyed | Destrit, exterminar, aniquilar |
Determine | Determined | Determined | Determinar |
Develop | Developed | Developed | Desenvolver |
Die | Died | Died | Morrer |
Differ | Differed | Differed | Diferenciar |
Dine | Dined | Dined | Jantar |
Disappear | Disappeared | Disappeared | Desaparecer, ausentar-se |
Discuss | Discussed | Discussed | Discutir |
Disturb | Disturbed | Disturbed | Perturbar |
Dress | Dressed | Dressed | Vestir-se |
Drop | Dropped | Dropped | Cair |
Dust | Dusted | Dusted | Espanar |
Earn | Earned | Earned | Ouvir |
Employ | Employed | Employed | Empregar |
End | Ended | Ended | Terminar |
Enjoy | Enjoyed | Enjoyed | Gostar, apreciar, divertir-se |
Enjoy ( … + self) | Enjoyed | Enjoyed | Divertir-se |
Enter | Entered | Entered | Entrar |
Exclaim | Exclaimed | Exclaimed | Exclamar |
Excuse | Excused | Excused | Desculpar-se |
Explain | Explained | Explained | Explicar-se |
Extinguish | Extinguished | Extinguished | Apagar, extinguir, abolir |
Faint | Fainted | Fainted | Desmaiar |
Fasten | Fastened | Fastened | Apertar, amarrar, atar, ligar, unir, juntar, fixar |
Fear | Feared | Feared | Temer, recear |
Fill | Filled | Filled | Preencher, encher |
Finish | Finished | Finished | Terminar, acabar |
Fix | Fixed | Fixed | Consertar |
Follow | Followed | Followed | Seguir |
Force | Forced | Forced | Forçar |
Form | Formed | Formed | Formar |
Gather | Gathered | Gathered | Juntar, reunir |
Grab | Grabbed | Grabbed | Agarrar |
Registrada em 11/08/2000 na Fundação BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL
Rua da Imprensa, 16 Sala 1205 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
Copyright © 1991/2023, Daniel Borges (Dannybia) – Danny’s Home Page
Infinitive | Simple Past | Past Participle | Translated |
Guess | Guessed | Guessed | Adivinhar, pensar, imaginar |
Happen | Happened | Happened | Acontecer |
Hate | Hated | Hated | Odiar |
Help | Helped | Helped | Ajudar, socorrer |
Hole | Holed | Holed | Furar |
Hope | Hoped | Hoped | Esperar, ter esperança |
Hurry | Hurried | Hurried | Apressar-se |
Imply | Implied | Implied | Implicar |
Increase | Increased | Increased | Aumentar |
Inherit | Inherited | Inherited | Herdar |
Injure | Injured | Injured | Ferir |
Inquire | Inquired | Inquired | Inquirir, perguntar |
Intend | Intended | Intended | Pretender |
Interrupt | Interrupted | Interrupted | Interromper |
Introduce | Introduced | Introduced | Apresentar |
Invite | Invited | Invited | Convidar |
Iron | Ironed | Ironed | Passar a ferro |
Judge | Judged | Judged | Julgar |
Jump | Jumped | Jumped | Pular, saltar |
Kill | Killed | Killed | Matar |
Kiss | Kissed | Kissed | Beijar |
Land | Landed | Landed | Aterrissar |
Laugh | Laughed | Laughed | Rir, gargalhar |
Knock | Knocked | Knocked | Bater |
Knock | Knocked | Knocked | Bater |
Leap | Leaped | Leaped | Saltar, pular |
Learn | Learned | Learned | Aprender |
Lie | Lied | Lied | Mentir |
Like | Liked | Liked | Gostar de |
Listen | Listened | Listened | Escutar, prestar atenção, ouvir |
Live | Lived | Lived | Viver, morar |
Lock | Locked | Locked | Fechar, trancar |
Look | Looked | Looked | Olhar |
Look for | Looked for | Looked for | Procurar |
Love | Loved | Loved | Amar |
Marry | Married | Married | Casar se com |
Mention | Mentioned | Mentioned | Mencionar |
Miss | Missed | Missed | Perder, sentir falta de |
Mix | Mixed | Mixed | Misturar |
Mount | Mounted | Mounted | Levantar, elevar, montar |
Move | Moved | Moved | Mover-se, comover-se, mudar-se |
Mount | Mounted | Mounted | Mencionar |
Need | Needed | Needed | Precisar, necessitar |
Notice | Noticed | Noticed | Notar |
Obey | Obeyed | Obeyed | Obedecer |
Oblige | Obliged | Obliged | Obrigar |
Observe | Observed | Observed | Observar |
Obtain | Obtained | Obtained | Obter |
Occupy | Occupied | Occupied | Ocupar |
Offer | Offered | Offered | Oferecer |
Open | Opened | Opened | Abrir |
Order | Ordered | Ordered | Ordenar |
Orvertake | Orvertaken | Orvertaken | Ultrapassar |
Owe | Owed | Owed | Dever |
Own | Owned | Owned | Possuir |
Paint | Painted | Painted | Pintar |
Park | Parked | Parked | Estacionar |
Pass | Passed | Passed | Passar |
Perceive | Perceived | Perceived | Perceber |
Pick | Picked | Picked | Podar, cortar |
Pick up | Picked up | Picked up | Apanhar, pegar |
Place | Placed | Placed | Por, colocar |
Place | Placed | Placed | Por, colocar |
Plan | Planed | Planed | Planejar |
Play | Played | Played | Brincar, tocar, jogar |
Play a trick | Played a trick | Played a trick | Pregar uma peça |
Play games | Played games | Played games | Fazer uma brincadeira |
Please | Pleased | Pleased | Agradar |
Point | Pointed | Pointed | Apontar, indicar |
Polish | Polished | Polished | Polir, encerar |
Possess | Possessed | Possessed | Possuir |
Pray | Prayed | Prayed | Orar, rezar |
Prefer | Preferred | Preferred | Preferir |
Prepare | Prepared | Prepared | Preparar |
Printed | Printed | Imprimir | |
Produce | Produced | Produced | Produzir |
Promise | Promised | Promised | Prometer |
Propose | Proposed | Proposed | Propor |
Publish | Published | Published | Publicar |
Pull | Pulled | Pulled | Puxar, tirar |
Punish | Punished | Punished | Punir |
Push | Pushed | Pushed | Empurrar |
Put on | Put on | Put on | Vestir |
Quarrel | Quarreled | Quarreled | Disputa, rixa, discórdia, discussão (USA) |
Quarrell | Quarrelled | Quarrelled | Disputa, rixa, discórdia, discussão (England) |
Rain | Rained | Rained | Chover |
Reach | Reached | Reached | Chegar a, atingir, alcançar |
React | Reacted | Reacted | reagir |
Realize | Realized | Realized | Perceber |
Receive | Received | Received | Receber |
Reckon | Reckoned | Reckoned | Medir |
Refuse | Refused | Refused | Recusar |
Registrada em 11/08/2000 na Fundação BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL
Rua da Imprensa, 16 Sala 1205 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
Copyright © 1991/2023, Daniel Borges (Dannybia) – Danny’s Home Page
Infinitive | Simple Past | Past Participle | Translated |
Regret | Regretted | Regretted | Arrepender-se |
Rehearse | Rehearsed | Rehearsed | Ensaiar |
Relax | Relaxed | Relaxed | relaxar, acalmar-se, descansar |
Remain | Remained | Remained | Ficar, permanecer |
Remember | Remembered | Remembered | Lembrar-se |
Rent | Rented | Rented | Alugar |
Repair | Repaired | Repaired | Consertar |
Reply | Replied | Replied | Responder |
Rest | Rested | Rested | Descansar |
Return | Returned | Returned | Retornar, voltar, devolver |
Review | Reviewed | Reviewed | Revisar, rever, recapitular |
Revolve | Revolved | Revolved | Girar |
Rob | Robbed | Robbed | Roubar, assaltar |
Salute | Saluted | Saluted | Fazer continência, cumprimentar |
Satisfy | Satisfied | Satisfied | Satisfazer |
Save | Saved | Saved | Economizar, salvar |
Scratch | Scratched | Scratched | Arranhar |
Seem | Seem | Seem | Parecer, assemelhar-se |
Seize | Seized | Seized | Agarrar |
Separate | Separated | Separated | Separar |
Settle | Settled | Settled | Colonizar |
Shave | Shaved | Shaved | Barbear-se |
Shield | Shielded | Shielded | Proteger |
Shout | Shouted | Shouted | Gritar |
Sign | Signed | Signed | Assinar |
Skate | Skated | Skated | Patinar |
Ski | Skied | Skied | Esquiar |
Smile | Smiled | Smiled | Sorrir |
Smoke | Smoked | Smoked | Fumar |
Snow | Snowed | Snowed | Nevar |
Solve | Solved | Solved | Resolver |
Sow | Sowed | Sowed | Plantar, semear |
Spot | Spotted | Spotted | Localizar |
Stare | Stared | Stared | Olhar, encarar |
Start | Started | Started | Começar |
Stay | Stayed | Stayed | Ficar, permanecer |
Step | Stepped | Stepped | Pisar |
Stop | Stopped | Stopped | Parar |
Study | Studied | Studied | Estudar |
Substitute | Substituted | Substituted | Substituir |
Suffer | Suffered | Suffered | Sofrer |
Supply | Supplied | Supplied | Suprir |
Support | Supported | Supported | Apoiar, sustentar |
Suppose | Supposed | Supposed | Supor, vamos supor |
Suspect | Suspected | Suspected | Suspeitar |
Swallow | Swallowed | Swallowed | Tragar, engolir (gulp down) |
Talk | Talked | Talked | Falar, conversar |
Taste | Tasted | Tasted | Provar (sabor) |
Telephone | Telephoned | Telephoned | Telefonar |
Test | Tested | Tested | Testar, examinar |
Thank | Thanked | Thanked | Agradecer |
Tie | Tied | Tied | Amarrar, dar laço (nó) |
Touch | Touched | Touched | Tocar, encostar |
Translate | Translated | Translated | Traduzir |
Travel | Traveled | Traveled | Viajar, cursar, percorrer, passar (USA) |
Travell | Travelled | Travelled | Viajar, cursar, percorrer, passar (England) |
Treat | Treated | Treated | Tratar |
Tremble | Trembled | Trembled | Tremer |
Trust | Trusted | Trusted | Confiar |
Try | Tried | Tried | Experimentar, tentar |
Turn | Turned | Turned | Virar, tornar |
Turn deaf | Turned deaf | Turned deaf | Ficar surdo |
Turn in | Turned in | Turned in | Entregar |
Turn into | Turned into | Turned into | Transformar-se em |
Type | Typed | Typed | Datilografar |
Undress | Undressed | Undressed | Despir-se |
Unwrap | Unwrapped | Unwrapped | Desembrulhar |
Upset | Upsetted | Upsetted | Aborrecer |
Use | Used | Used | Usar |
Visit | Visited | Visited | Visitar |
Wait | Waited | Waited | Esperar |
Sow | Sowed | Sowed | Plantar, semear |
Walk | Walked | Walked | Caminhar, andar |
Want | Wanted | Wanted | Querer, procurar |
Warn | Warned | Warned | Advertir, prevenir, notificar, informar |
Wash | Washed | Washed | Lavar |
Waste | Wasted | Wasted | Perder (tempo), desperdiçar |
Watch | Watched | Watched | Assistir à, cuidar de, observar |
Water | Watered | Watered | Molhar, regar |
Wave | Waved | Waved | Acenar |
Wax | Waxed | Waxed | Encerar, engraxar |
Weigh | Weighed | Weighed | Pesar |
Whisper | Whispered | Whispered | Murmurar, cochichar, sussurrar |
Wipe | Wiped | Wiped | Esfregar, limpar, secar |
Wish | Wished | Wished | Desejar |
Work | Worked | Worked | Trabalhar |
Worry | Worried | Worried | Preocupar-se |
Worship | Worshiped | Worshiped | Idolatrar |
Yearn | Yearned | Yearned | Ansiar, aspirar, desejar ardentemente |
Yearn for (after) | Yearned for (after) | Yearned for (after) | Suspirar por, sentir-se atraído |
Registrada em 11/08/2000 na Fundação BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL
Rua da Imprensa, 16 Sala 1205 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
Copyright © 1991/2023, Daniel Borges (Dannybia) – Danny’s Home Page
Infinitive | Simple Past | Past Participle | Translated |
Regret | Regretted | Regretted | Arrepender-se |
Rehearse | Rehearsed | Rehearsed | Ensaiar |
Relax | Relaxed | Relaxed | relaxar, acalmar-se, descansar |
Remain | Remained | Remained | Ficar, permanecer |
Remember | Remembered | Remembered | Lembrar-se |
Rent | Rented | Rented | Alugar |
Repair | Repaired | Repaired | Consertar |
Reply | Replied | Replied | Responder |
Rest | Rested | Rested | Descansar |
Return | Returned | Returned | Retornar, voltar, devolver |
Review | Reviewed | Reviewed | Revisar, rever, recapitular |
Revolve | Revolved | Revolved | Girar |
Rob | Robbed | Robbed | Roubar, assaltar |
Salute | Saluted | Saluted | Fazer continência, cumprimentar |
Satisfy | Satisfied | Satisfied | Satisfazer |
Save | Saved | Saved | Economizar, salvar |
Scratch | Scratched | Scratched | Arranhar |
Seem | Seem | Seem | Parecer, assemelhar-se |
Seize | Seized | Seized | Agarrar |
Separate | Separated | Separated | Separar |
Settle | Settled | Settled | Colonizar |
Shave | Shaved | Shaved | Barbear-se |
Shield | Shielded | Shielded | Proteger |
Shout | Shouted | Shouted | Gritar |
Sign | Signed | Signed | Assinar |
Skate | Skated | Skated | Patinar |
Ski | Skied | Skied | Esquiar |
Smile | Smiled | Smiled | Sorrir |
Smoke | Smoked | Smoked | Fumar |
Snow | Snowed | Snowed | Nevar |
Solve | Solved | Solved | Resolver |
Sow | Sowed | Sowed | Plantar, semear |
Spot | Spotted | Spotted | Localizar |
Stare | Stared | Stared | Olhar, encarar |
Start | Started | Started | Começar |
Stay | Stayed | Stayed | Ficar, permanecer |
Step | Stepped | Stepped | Pisar |
Stop | Stopped | Stopped | Parar |
Study | Studied | Studied | Estudar |
Substitute | Substituted | Substituted | Substituir |
Suffer | Suffered | Suffered | Sofrer |
Supply | Supplied | Supplied | Suprir |
Support | Supported | Supported | Apoiar, sustentar |
Suppose | Supposed | Supposed | Supor, vamos supor |
Suspect | Suspected | Suspected | Suspeitar |
Swallow | Swallowed | Swallowed | Tragar, engolir (gulp down) |
Talk | Talked | Talked | Falar, conversar |
Taste | Tasted | Tasted | Provar (sabor) |
Telephone | Telephoned | Telephoned | Telefonar |
Test | Tested | Tested | Testar, examinar |
Thank | Thanked | Thanked | Agradecer |
Tie | Tied | Tied | Amarrar, dar laço (nó) |
Touch | Touched | Touched | Tocar, encostar |
Translate | Translated | Translated | Traduzir |
Travel | Traveled | Traveled | Viajar, cursar, percorrer, passar (USA) |
Travell | Travelled | Travelled | Viajar, cursar, percorrer, passar (England) |
Treat | Treated | Treated | Tratar |
Tremble | Trembled | Trembled | Tremer |
Trust | Trusted | Trusted | Confiar |
Try | Tried | Tried | Experimentar, tentar |
Turn | Turned | Turned | Virar, tornar |
Turn deaf | Turned deaf | Turned deaf | Ficar surdo |
Turn in | Turned in | Turned in | Entregar |
Turn into | Turned into | Turned into | Transformar-se em |
Type | Typed | Typed | Datilografar |
Undress | Undressed | Undressed | Despir-se |
Unwrap | Unwrapped | Unwrapped | Desembrulhar |
Upset | Upsetted | Upsetted | Aborrecer |
Use | Used | Used | Usar |
Visit | Visited | Visited | Visitar |
Wait | Waited | Waited | Esperar |
Sow | Sowed | Sowed | Plantar, semear |
Walk | Walked | Walked | Caminhar, andar |
Want | Wanted | Wanted | Querer, procurar |
Warn | Warned | Warned | Advertir, prevenir, notificar, informar |
Wash | Washed | Washed | Lavar |
Waste | Wasted | Wasted | Perder (tempo), desperdiçar |
Watch | Watched | Watched | Assistir à, cuidar de, observar |
Water | Watered | Watered | Molhar, regar |
Wave | Waved | Waved | Acenar |
Wax | Waxed | Waxed | Encerar, engraxar |
Weigh | Weighed | Weighed | Pesar |
Whisper | Whispered | Whispered | Murmurar, cochichar, sussurrar |
Wipe | Wiped | Wiped | Esfregar, limpar, secar |
Wish | Wished | Wished | Desejar |
Work | Worked | Worked | Trabalhar |
Worry | Worried | Worried | Preocupar-se |
Worship | Worshiped | Worshiped | Idolatrar |
Yearn | Yearned | Yearned | Ansiar, aspirar, desejar ardentemente |
Yearn for (after) | Yearned for (after) | Yearned for (after) | Suspirar por, sentir-se atraído |
Registrada em 11/08/2000 na Fundação BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL
Rua da Imprensa, 16 Sala 1205 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
Copyright © 1991/2023, Daniel Borges (Dannybia) – Danny’s Home Page
Infinitive | Simple Past | Past Participle | Translated |
Regret | Regretted | Regretted | Arrepender-se |
Rehearse | Rehearsed | Rehearsed | Ensaiar |
Relax | Relaxed | Relaxed | relaxar, acalmar-se, descansar |
Remain | Remained | Remained | Ficar, permanecer |
Remember | Remembered | Remembered | Lembrar-se |
Rent | Rented | Rented | Alugar |
Repair | Repaired | Repaired | Consertar |
Reply | Replied | Replied | Responder |
Rest | Rested | Rested | Descansar |
Return | Returned | Returned | Retornar, voltar, devolver |
Review | Reviewed | Reviewed | Revisar, rever, recapitular |
Revolve | Revolved | Revolved | Girar |
Rob | Robbed | Robbed | Roubar, assaltar |
Salute | Saluted | Saluted | Fazer continência, cumprimentar |
Satisfy | Satisfied | Satisfied | Satisfazer |
Save | Saved | Saved | Economizar, salvar |
Scratch | Scratched | Scratched | Arranhar |
Seem | Seem | Seem | Parecer, assemelhar-se |
Seize | Seized | Seized | Agarrar |
Separate | Separated | Separated | Separar |
Settle | Settled | Settled | Colonizar |
Shave | Shaved | Shaved | Barbear-se |
Shield | Shielded | Shielded | Proteger |
Shout | Shouted | Shouted | Gritar |
Sign | Signed | Signed | Assinar |
Skate | Skated | Skated | Patinar |
Ski | Skied | Skied | Esquiar |
Smile | Smiled | Smiled | Sorrir |
Smoke | Smoked | Smoked | Fumar |
Snow | Snowed | Snowed | Nevar |
Solve | Solved | Solved | Resolver |
Sow | Sowed | Sowed | Plantar, semear |
Spot | Spotted | Spotted | Localizar |
Stare | Stared | Stared | Olhar, encarar |
Start | Started | Started | Começar |
Stay | Stayed | Stayed | Ficar, permanecer |
Step | Stepped | Stepped | Pisar |
Stop | Stopped | Stopped | Parar |
Study | Studied | Studied | Estudar |
Substitute | Substituted | Substituted | Substituir |
Suffer | Suffered | Suffered | Sofrer |
Supply | Supplied | Supplied | Suprir |
Support | Supported | Supported | Apoiar, sustentar |
Suppose | Supposed | Supposed | Supor, vamos supor |
Suspect | Suspected | Suspected | Suspeitar |
Swallow | Swallowed | Swallowed | Tragar, engolir (gulp down) |
Talk | Talked | Talked | Falar, conversar |
Taste | Tasted | Tasted | Provar (sabor) |
Telephone | Telephoned | Telephoned | Telefonar |
Test | Tested | Tested | Testar, examinar |
Thank | Thanked | Thanked | Agradecer |
Tie | Tied | Tied | Amarrar, dar laço (nó) |
Touch | Touched | Touched | Tocar, encostar |
Translate | Translated | Translated | Traduzir |
Travel | Traveled | Traveled | Viajar, cursar, percorrer, passar (USA) |
Travell | Travelled | Travelled | Viajar, cursar, percorrer, passar (England) |
Treat | Treated | Treated | Tratar |
Tremble | Trembled | Trembled | Tremer |
Trust | Trusted | Trusted | Confiar |
Try | Tried | Tried | Experimentar, tentar |
Turn | Turned | Turned | Virar, tornar |
Turn deaf | Turned deaf | Turned deaf | Ficar surdo |
Turn in | Turned in | Turned in | Entregar |
Turn into | Turned into | Turned into | Transformar-se em |
Type | Typed | Typed | Datilografar |
Undress | Undressed | Undressed | Despir-se |
Unwrap | Unwrapped | Unwrapped | Desembrulhar |
Upset | Upsetted | Upsetted | Aborrecer |
Use | Used | Used | Usar |
Visit | Visited | Visited | Visitar |
Wait | Waited | Waited | Esperar |
Sow | Sowed | Sowed | Plantar, semear |
Walk | Walked | Walked | Caminhar, andar |
Want | Wanted | Wanted | Querer, procurar |
Warn | Warned | Warned | Advertir, prevenir, notificar, informar |
Wash | Washed | Washed | Lavar |
Waste | Wasted | Wasted | Perder (tempo), desperdiçar |
Watch | Watched | Watched | Assistir à, cuidar de, observar |
Water | Watered | Watered | Molhar, regar |
Wave | Waved | Waved | Acenar |
Wax | Waxed | Waxed | Encerar, engraxar |
Weigh | Weighed | Weighed | Pesar |
Whisper | Whispered | Whispered | Murmurar, cochichar, sussurrar |
Wipe | Wiped | Wiped | Esfregar, limpar, secar |
Wish | Wished | Wished | Desejar |
Work | Worked | Worked | Trabalhar |
Worry | Worried | Worried | Preocupar-se |
Worship | Worshiped | Worshiped | Idolatrar |
Yearn | Yearned | Yearned | Ansiar, aspirar, desejar ardentemente |
Yearn for (after) | Yearned for (after) | Yearned for (after) | Suspirar por, sentir-se atraído |
Registrada em 11/08/2000 na Fundação BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL
Rua da Imprensa, 16 Sala 1205 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
Copyright © 1991/2023, Daniel Borges (Dannybia) – Danny’s Home Page
Aprendendo Vocabulário
Escrevendo Bem o Inglês
Melhorando Sua Pronúncia
Aprenda 400 Palavras em Um Minuto
Direito Autoral ~ Copyright ©
Capítulo I
Informação geográfica de países da língua Inglesa
01 – Estados Unidos da América – USA
Hino Nacional – USA
02 – United Kingdom Of Great Bretain And Northern Ireland
Hino Nacional – United Kingdom
03 – Canadá
Tradução Hino Nacional do Canada
Hino Nacional do Canada
Informação Adicionais
Ouça o Hino Nacional Brasileiro
Capítulo II
04 – O Alfabeto
O Alfabeto de A a Z e como lê-los
05 – Os Números
06 – Exemplos práticos de como ler os números
07 – Como ler as datas
Dias dos Meses
08 – Como dizer as horas
09 – Como ler números de telefones
10 – Dias da semana
11 – Meses do ano
12 – Estações do ano
13 – Divisões do tempo
14 – Cumprimentos e despedidas
Capítulo III
15 – Substantivo
16 – O gênero é indicado
Pela anteposição ou posposição de palavras
Pelo acréscimo de terminações diferentes
Por meio de palavras diferentes
17 – Substantivo masculino sem Correspondente feminino
18 – Substantivos femininos sem correspondentes masculinos
19 – Gênero comum e correspondentes masculinos e femininos
20 – Substantivos tidos como femininos
21 – Substantivos personificados
22 – Pronome Pessoal e Antecedente
Número dos Substantivos
23 – Regra geral, plural dos substantivos em “s“
24 – Plurais dos substantivos por mutação vocálica
25 – Plurais dos substantivos em “en” ou “ne“
26 – Plural dos substantivos em “es“
27 – Plurais dos substantivos em “y“
28 – Plurais dos substantivos em “f” e “fe“
29 – Substantivos terminados em “o“
30 – Plurais de substantivos compostos
31 – Plurais de palavras estrangeiras
32 – Dois plurais com significados diferentes
33 – Um plural com dois ou mais significados
34 – Plural com significado diferente
35 – Mais significados no singular que no plural
36 – Plural e singular com uma só forma
37 – Substantivos sem singular
38 – Substantivos no plural e verbo no singular
39 – Substantivos sem plural
40 – Plurais de títulos, nomes e sobrenomes
41 – Letras, algarismos, abreviaturas e palavras invariáveis
Caso Possessivo
42 – Significado do caso possessivo
Genitivo Saxônio – Construção Sintética
43 – Formação
44 – Apenas o apóstrofo é usado
45 – Mais de um possuidor
46 – Possessivo elíptico
47 – Aposto
48 – Uso do possessivo sintético
Genitivo Normando – Construção Analítica ou Preposicional
49 – Uso do possessivo analítico
50 – Possessivo duplo ou pleonástico
Capítulo IV
51 – O artigo definido – “the“
52 – “The” – “That“
53 – Uso do artigo definido
54 – Omissão do artigo definido
55 – Os artigos indefinidos
56 – Uso do artigo indefinido – “A” ou “An“
57 – Omissão do artigo indefinido
58 – Repetição do artigo indefinido
Sujeito e Objeto
59 – Colocação do Sujeito
O sujeito é anteposto ao verbo
60 – O Sujeito é posposto ao verbo
61 – Colocação do Objeto
O objeto posposto ao verbo
Capítulo V
Pronomes pessoais
62 – Caso reto – introdução
63 – Uso pronomes como sujeito
64 – Uso pronomes como complemento
65 – Em linguagem coloquial
66 – Quadro Resumo
67 – Observação sobre pronomes pessoais
68 – Caso oblíquo – introdução
Indireto Preposicionado
Indireto sem preposição
69 Quadro Resumo
70 – Pronomes possessivos – introdução
71 – Os pronomes adjetivos possessivos
72 – Os pronomes substantivos possessivos
73 – Os pronomes adjetivos my“, thy“, his“…
74 – Os pronomes substantivos mine“, thine“, his“…
75 – Os pronomes possessivos – concordância
76 – O pronome possessivo e não artigo definido
77 – Own” após o pronome possessivo
78 – Pronomes reflexivos – introdução
79 – Compostos de Self” e Selves“
80 – Pronome enfático após verbo intransitivo
81 – Construção comum em comparações
82 – Uso freqüente com Self“
83 – O pronome reflexivo em linguagem familiar
84 – O pronome reflexivo com verbos
85 – O reflexivo correspondente ao indefinido one” é oneself“
86 – Verbos pronominais não pedem o reflexivo
87 – Quadro resumo geral
Pronomes demonstrativos
88 – Os demonstrativos This“, these“, that“, those“
89 – Emprego
Como pronome adjetivo
Como pronome substantivo
90 – Emprego de That” e Those”
91 – This” e That” como função adverbial
92 – This” e That” substituindo orações
93 – That” com significado afetivo
94 – This” e That” com Much“
95 – This” e That” em conversação telefônica
96 – Outros demonstrativos
Self-same“, so“, such“, the former“, the latter“
The one“, the same“, yon“, yond“, yonder“
97 – Emprego de So” após verbo
98 – Verbos com So” para evitar repetição
99 – So” ou Not” na negação
100 – Construção apenas com Not”
101 – Uso de Such”
102 – Such” precedido de indefinido
103 – Such as”
104 – As Such”
105 – Such” com substantivo comum
106 – The one”
107 – The same” seguido the that“, as“, where“, who“, when”
108 – Very” ou Self” anteposto a the same”
109 – This” – that” = The latter” – the former“
Pronomes interrogativos
110 – Who“, what“, which“, whose“, whom“
Interrogação indireta
Pronomes recíprocos
111 – Each other” e One another“
Pronomes indefinidos
112 – Lista dos Pronomes Indefinidos mais comuns
113 – Some” e Any”
114 – Any” em sentenças afirmativas
115 – Some” e Any” em sentenças interrogativas
116 – Some” em sentenças interrogativas
117 – Some” em declaração ou sugestão
118 – Any” em sentenças interrogativas
119 – Diferenças de Some” e Any”
120 – Any” usado independentemente
121 – Any” com hardly“, scarcely” e barely”
122 – Some” usado independentemente
123 – Some” Some seguido de numeral
124 – Some” usado enfaticamente
125 – Some” e Any” e seus compostos
126 – No” em lugar de Not” Any”
127 – No” e seus compostos
128 – Much” e Many”
129 – Much” e Many” com grupos de palavras
130 – Many” antes de substantivos
131 – Little“, A Little“, The Little”
132 – Few“, A Few“, The Few”
133 – All”
134 – Observações sobre All”
135 – Several”
136 – Enough”
137 – No”
138 – Other“, The Other“, Another”
139 – Each“, Every“, Every Other”
140 – Either“, Neither“
Pronomes adjetivos
141 – Lista dos Pronomes Adjetivos e exemplos
Pronomes substantivos
142 – Lista dos Pronomes Substantivos e exemplos
Pronomes relativos
143 – Lista dos Pronomes Relativos
144 – Who”
145 – Uso de Who“
146 – Whose”
147 – Uso de Whose“
148 – Whom”
149 – Uso de Whom“
150 – What”
151 – Uso de What“
152 – What” com expressões idiomáticas
153 – Which”
154 – Uso de Which“
155 – Which” pode ter antecedente
156 – That”
157 – Uso de That“
158 – That” e não Who“, Whom” e Which“
159 – Omissão de That“
160 – Omissão do relativo
161 – Whom“, Which” e That” com Preposição
162 – O Pronome Relativo AS”
163 – As” usado para introduzir subordinada explicativa
164 – Comparação com As“
But” como Pronome Relativo
165 – But” depois de negação
166 – But” – Conjunção coordenativa
167 – But“– Conjunção subordinativa
168 – But” – como advérbio
169 – But” – como preposição
170 – But that“
171 – But Which“
172 Pronomes Relativos Compostos
Registrada em 11/08/2000 na Fundação BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL
Rua da Imprensa, 16 Sala 1205 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
Copyright © 1991/2023, Daniel Borges (Dannybia) – Danny’s Home Page