Tag: lord’s prayer


Lord’s Prayer – Our Father English

Oração do Pai Nosso em Inglês

Our Father English Since 1549 Until Latest Version
Orações do Pai Nosso Desde 1549 Até Última Versão

Oracão do Pai Nosso

Latest Version

Version – 1936

Lamsa Version – 1933

Waymouth Version – 1929

Moulton Version – 1924

Moffat Version – 1922

Fleming Version – 1900

American Version – 1884

Revised Version – 1881

Version – 1870

Another English Version – 1869

Authorized Version – 1611

Another Version – 1593

Roman Catholic Version (Vulgate) – 1582

Another Version Cranmer’s Bible – 1575

Version – 1972

Torrey Version – 1933

Goodspeed Version – 1931

Fenton Version – 1925

Ballantine Version – 1923

Westcott Version – 1905

Royal Command – 1884

Another Version – 1883

The Revised Version – 1881

Another Version – 1870

Another Version – 1713

Authorized by King James I – 1611

Version Douay Bible – 1582

Cranmer’s Bible – 1575

The Book Common Prayer – 1549

Edward VI Prayer Book – 1549


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Pai Nosso – Meditação

Entrega o teu caminho ao Senhor; confia nele, e ele tudo fará.

Salmos 37: 5

Lord’s Prayer – English Latest Version

Oração do Pai Nosso – Última Versão Inglesa

“Spoken in the United Kingdom, Canada, USA, Australia,
New Zealand and South Africa United Kingdom”

“Falado no Reino Unido, Canadá, EUA, Austrália,
Nova Zelândia e África do Sul”

Our Father, Who art in heaven,

Hallowed by thy name;

Thy Kingdom come.

Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive them that trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


Porque tu não és um Deus que tenha prazer na iniqüidade, nem contigo habitará o mal.

Salmos 5:4

Lord’s Prayer – English Version, 1972

Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa, 1972

Our Father, Which art in Heaven:

hallowed by Thy name.

Thy Kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

and forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom

and the power and the glory for ever and ever

Guia-me, Senhor, na tua justiça, por causa dos meus inimigos; aplana diante de mim o teu caminho.

Salmos 5:8

Lord’s Prayer – English Version, 1936

Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa, 1933

Our Father, Who art in Heaven,

Hallowed by Thy name;

Thy Kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


Os arrogantes não subsistirão diante dos teus olhos; detestas a todos os que praticam a maldade.

Salmos 5:5

Lord’s Prayer – English Torrey Version, 1933

Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Torrey, 1933

“The Four Golpels, A New Translation”
By Charles Cutler Torrey, Professor of Semitic Languages in Yale University, New York.

“The Four Golpels, Uma Nova Tradução”
Por Charles Cutler Torrey, professor de línguas semíticas na Universidade de Yale, Nova York.

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed by thy name.

May thy kingdom come.

May thy will be done,

as in heaven, so also on earth.

Our daily bread us this day,

and forgive us our sins,

even as we forgive those who sin against us.

And let us not yield to temptation,

but deliver us from evil

Por causa do seu orgulho, o ímpio não o busca; todos os seus pensamentos são: Não há Deus.

Salmos 10:4

Lord’s Prayer – English Lamsa Version, 1933

Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Lamsa, 1933

“The Four Golpels, According to the Easrtern Version” Translated from the Aramaic
by Geo M. Lamsa, Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Co.

“The Four Golpels, de acordo com a Versão do Easrtern”, traduzido do aramaico
por Geo M. Lamsa, Filadélfia: A. J. Holman Co.

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed by thy name,

thy kingdom come.

Let thy will be done,

as in heaven, so on earth.

Give us bread for our needs from day to day.

And forgive us our offences;

As we have forgiven our offenders

And do not let us enter into temptation,

But deliver us from error.

Because thine is the kingdom and the power

And the glory for ever and ever.


Cantai louvores ao Senhor, que habita em Sião; anunciai entre os povos os seus feitos.

Salmos 9:11

Lord’s Prayer – English Goodspeed Version, 1931

Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Goodspeed, 1931

“The Bible – An American Translation” New Testament by Edgar J. Goodspeed.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press

“A Bíblia – Uma Tradução Americana” Novo Testamento por Edgar J. Goodspeed.
Chicago: Imprensa da Universidade de Chicago

Our Father in heaven,

Your name be revered!

Your kingdom come!

Your will be done

on earth as it is done in heaven!

Give us today bread for the day,

And forgive us our debts,

as we have forgiven our debtors.

And do not subject us to temptation,

But save us from the evil one

Em ti confiam os que conhecem o teu nome; porque tu, Senhor, não abandonas aqueles que te buscam.

Salmos 9:10

Lord’s Prayer – English Waymouth Version, 1929

Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Waymouth, 1929

“The New Testament in Modern Speech” by Richard Francis Weymouth.
London: James Clarke & Co. 5th edition.

“O Novo Testamento na Fala Moderna” by Richard Francis Weymouth.
London: James Clarke & Co. 5th edition.

Our Father in heaven,

May thy name be kept holy;

Let Thy kingdom come;

Let Thy will be done,

As in heaven so on earth;

give us to-day our bread for the day;

and forgive us our shortcomings,

as we also have forgiven those who failed

in their duty towards us;

and bring us not in temptation,

but rescue us from the evil one

Dr. Weymouth’s footnote: “The doxology is to be omitted on overwhelming textual authority”
Nota de rodapé do Dr. Weymouth: “A doxologia deve ser omitida com base na autoridade textual esmagadora”

Diz ele em seu coração: Deus se esqueceu; cobriu o seu rosto; nunca verá isto. Levanta-te, Senhor; ó Deus, levanta a tua mão; não te esqueças dos necessitados. Por que blasfema de Deus o ímpio, dizendo no seu coração: Tu não inquirirás?

Salmos 10:11-13