Tag: prestonwood baptist church


To Find Jesus

“Encontrar Jesus”

Letra: Daniel Borges, 2005.

Música: Rigdon McCoy McIntosh, 1876. [ Arquivo Midi — Arquivo NoteWorthy Composer — Arquivo PDF ].

→ Daniel Borges based this hymn on the youth’s Ben Worley words. He wrote these words to her friend Skylar [a Sondra’s daughter] when she was sad about “boys”, and… “To Find Jesus” was born. They live in Carrollton – Texas. All of them attend and sing hymns at Prestonwood Baptist Church.

Daniel Borges baseou este hino nas palavras do jovem Ben Worley. Ele escreveu estas palavras a sua amiga Skylar [a filha de Sondra Hurt] quando ela estava triste por causa de “garotos”, e… “Encontrar Jesus” nasceu. Eles vivem em Carrollton – Texas. Todos são membros e cantam hinos na Igreja Batista de Prestonwood.

Danny’s Home Page
Daniel Borges (1959-)

Daniel Borges (1959-)

Rigdon McCoy McIntosh (1836-1899)

Rigdon McCoy McIntosh (1836-1899)

To Find Jesus

You need to find Jesus and know Him as Lord
‘Cause Salvation is a gift by His blood
There’s only one way Jesus gift is received
You simply in Jesus… need to believe!

The sins of the world for you Jesus did bear,
He did suffer and died a death rare.
He offers you life, all sin be absolved,
It’s like no other kind of love!

For you to arrive at the sweet Promised Land,
You must accept His loving command.
It won’t matter who or what can hurt your heart,
Just give it to Jesus hands impart.

The sins of the world for you Jesus did bear,
He did suffer and died a death rare.
He offers you life, all sin be absolved,
It’s like no other kind of love!

Your Savior Jesus, He loves you as treasure,
He made you for His good pleasure.
A beautiful being, little shining star,
His own jewel unchanging afar.

The sins of the world for you Jesus did bear,
He did suffer and died a death rare.
He offers you life, all sin be absolved,
It’s like no other kind of love!

To Christ Jesus nothing will be worth, yet…
If you do this or will still do that,
Because Jesus has for you a singular love,
People envy your rest above…

The sins of the world for you Jesus did bear,
He did suffer and died a death rare.
He offers you life, all sin be absolved,
It’s like no other kind of love!

In His Celestial and divine Beulah Land,
We will live close to the great “I AM”…
Know He loves you and you’re free,
And for you, be sure, Jesus there shall ever be.

The sins of the world for you Jesus did bear,
He did suffer and died a death rare.
He offers you life, all sin be absolved,
It’s like no other kind of love!

[ Danny’s Home Page ¬ See in English I Surrender All ]

Ben Worley & Skylar Taken a Couple of Weeks Later

Ben Worley & Skylar Taken a Couple of Weeks Later

Ben Worley & Skylar

Ben Worley & Skylar

→ These the original words of the poem written by the youth. Ben Worley to her friend Skylar [the daughter of Sondra] when she was sad about “boys”.

To Find Jesus

Prestonwood Baptist Church - Igreja Bista de Prestonwood

Prestonwood Baptist Church
Igreja Bista de Prestonwood

you need to get to a point with jesus
where you dont get your validation from the world
from people or popularity
u need to get to a place
where no matter how much stuff sucks…

no matter who broke ur heart
that u know in ur knower that jesus loves u
that he thinks that you are
the most beautiful creature in the world

and that no matter what u do
or have done ever
or will do ever
that youre a priceless jewel in his eyes
you’ll live different
you’ll live with a passion that people will envy you for…

thats something that wont leave u if u love Jesus
and know how much He loves u
cause He will always love u
and always be there for u

Ben to Skylar

Right After Ben Worley Asked Skylar to Marry Him

Right After Ben Worley Asked Skylar to Marry Him

Sonda & Husband [ honey-peanut ]

Sonda & Husband [ honey-peanut ]

Pois vós, irmãos, vos haveis feito imitadores das igrejas de Deus em Cristo Jesus que estão na Judéia; porque também padecestes de vossos próprios concidadãos o mesmo que elas padeceram dos judeus; os quais mataram ao Senhor Jesus, bem como aos profetas, e a nós nos perseguiram, e não agradam a Deus, e são contrários a todos os homens,

I Tessalonicenses 2:14-15