Jesus Vem Convidar
“The Call of The Christ”
Letra: Daniel Borges, 2005.
Música: Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, (1856-1932). Many of which are available in 21st century hymnals. He used several pseudonyms and some hymnals we will see Gabriel’s pseudonyms as Charlotte G. Homer, H. A. Henry, and S. B. Jackson. [ —
→ James era filho de John Rowe. Trabalhou numa mina de cobre para o governo irlandês durante quatro anos, depois emigrou para a América aos 24 anos de idade. Instalou-se em Albany, Nova Iorque, e trabalhou na ferrovia em Nova Iorque durante 10 anos. Se tornou um inspetor pela Sociedade Humanitária Rio Hudson.
Depois disso trabalhou em editoras de música no Texas e Tennessee. Mudou-se então para Vermont e trabalhou com sua filha, um artista, escrevendo versos em cartões de visita. De acordo com a filha, Rowe e Smith escreveram esta canção em Saugatuck, Connecticut. Smith era um organista da igreja em Connecticut.
→ James was Son of John Rowe, a copper miner, James worked for the Irish government for four years, then emigrated to America at age 24. He settled in Albany, New York, and worked in railroads in New York for 10 years.
He then became an inspector for the Hudson River Humane Society. He then worked for music publishers in Texas and Tennessee, and in his later years, moved to Vermont and worked with his daughter, an artist, writing verses for greeting cards. Rowe and Smith wrote this song in Saugatuck, Connecticut. According to Rowe’s daughter. Smith was a church organist in Connecticut.