Lord’s Prayer – Roman Catholic English Version From Vulgate Version, 1582
Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Católica Romana Versão Inglesa da Versão Vulgata, 1582
“The Remes New Testament – From the Vulgate”
“O Novo Testamento Remes – Da Vulgata”
Ovr Father, which art in heauen,
Sanctified be thy name.
Let thy Kingdom come.
Thy wil be done,
as in heauen, in earth also.
Giue vs to day our supersubstantial bread.
And forgiue vs our dettes,
as we also forgiue our detters.
And lead vs not into tentation,
But deliuer vs from euil
“Father, fanctified be thy name. Thy kingdom come,
Our daily bread giue vs this day, and forgiue vs our finnes,
for becaufe our felves alfo doe forgiue euery one that is in debt to vs.
And leade vs not into temptation”. ( Luke XI:2-4 )
Postado em Bíblia Sagrada, Estudos Bíblicos, News, Orações Pai Nosso por dannys | Tags: lord’s prayer, lucas 11:2-4, luke XI:2-4, oração do pai nosso, orações, roman catholic version, roman catholic version from vulgate Version 1582, vulgate Version