Tag: versão da bíblia de thomas cranmer 1575


Lord’s Prayer – Another Version English Cranmers’s Bible, 1575

Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa da Bíblia de Thomas Cranmer, 1575

Our Father which art in heauen,

halowed be thy name.

Let thy Kingdome come.

Thy wil be done,

as well in earth, as it is in heauen.

Give vs this day our dayly breade.

And forgyue vs our dettes,

as we forgyue our detters.

And lead vs not into temptation,

but deliuer vs from euill:

for thine is the kingdome,

and the power, and the glorie, for euer.


Ó Senhor, Senhor nosso, quão admirável é o teu nome em toda a terra, tu que puseste a tua glória dos céus!

Salmos 8:1