Lord’s Prayer – English Lamsa Version, 1933
Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Lamsa, 1933
“The Four Golpels, According to the Easrtern Version” Translated from the Aramaic
by Geo M. Lamsa, Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Co.
“The Four Golpels, de acordo com a Versão do Easrtern”, traduzido do aramaico
por Geo M. Lamsa, Filadélfia: A. J. Holman Co.
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed by thy name,
thy kingdom come.
Let thy will be done,
as in heaven, so on earth.
Give us bread for our needs from day to day.
And forgive us our offences;
As we have forgiven our offenders
And do not let us enter into temptation,
But deliver us from error.
Because thine is the kingdom and the power
And the glory for ever and ever.
Lord’s Prayer – English Goodspeed Version, 1931
Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Goodspeed, 1931
“The Bible – An American Translation” New Testament by Edgar J. Goodspeed.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
“A Bíblia – Uma Tradução Americana” Novo Testamento por Edgar J. Goodspeed.
Chicago: Imprensa da Universidade de Chicago
Our Father in heaven,
Your name be revered!
Your kingdom come!
Your will be done
on earth as it is done in heaven!
Give us today bread for the day,
And forgive us our debts,
as we have forgiven our debtors.
And do not subject us to temptation,
But save us from the evil one
Lord’s Prayer – English Waymouth Version, 1929
Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Waymouth, 1929
“The New Testament in Modern Speech” by Richard Francis Weymouth.
London: James Clarke & Co. 5th edition.
“O Novo Testamento na Fala Moderna” by Richard Francis Weymouth.
London: James Clarke & Co. 5th edition.
Our Father in heaven,
May thy name be kept holy;
Let Thy kingdom come;
Let Thy will be done,
As in heaven so on earth;
give us to-day our bread for the day;
and forgive us our shortcomings,
as we also have forgiven those who failed
in their duty towards us;
and bring us not in temptation,
but rescue us from the evil one
Dr. Weymouth’s footnote: “The doxology is to be omitted on overwhelming textual authority”
Nota de rodapé do Dr. Weymouth: “A doxologia deve ser omitida com base na autoridade textual esmagadora”
Lord’s Prayer – English Fenton Version, 1925
Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Fenton, 1925
“The Holy Bible in Modern English” by Ferrar Fenton
London: S. W. Partridge & Co.
“A Bíblia Sagrada em Inglês Moderno” by Ferrar Fenton
London: S. W. Partridge & Co.
Our Father in the Heavens;
Your Name must be being hallowed.
Your Kingdom must be being restored.
Your Will must be being done
Both in Heaven and upon the Earth.
Give us to-day our to-morrow’s bread;
And forgive us our faults,
as we forgive those offending us,
for You would not lead us into temptation,
but deliver us from its evil
Lord’s Prayer – English Moulton Version, 1924
Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Moulton, 1924
“The Modern Reader’s Bible” by Richard G. Moulton, M.A.
New York: The Macmillan Company
“A Bíblia do Leitor Moderno” by Richard G. Moulton, M.A.
New York: The Macmillan Company
Our Father which art in heaven:
Hallowed be thy Name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thywill must be done,
As in heaven, so on earth.
Give us this day
Our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we also have forgiven our debtors.
And bring us not into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one
Lord’s Prayer – English Ballantine Version, 1923
Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Ballantine, 1923
“The Riverside New Testament” by William G. Ballantine.
Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin
“O Novo Testamento de Riverside” por William G. Ballantine.
Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin
O Father in heaven,
Thy name be kept holy;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will prevail;
As in heaven, so on earth.
Our bread for the coming day
Give us to-day;
And forgive us our failures
As we forgive those who fail toward us;
And bring us not into trial,
But save us from evil
Lord’s Prayer – English Moffatt Version, 1922
Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Moffatt, 1922
“The Holy Bible, A New Translation” by James Moddatt, D.D.
New York: Doubleday Doran
“A Bíblia Sagrada, Uma Nova Tradução” por James Moddatt, D.D.
New York: Doubleday Doran
Our Father in heaven,
thy name be revered,
thy reign begin,
thy will be done
on earth as in heaven!
give us to-day our bread for the morrow,
and forgive us our debts
as we ourselves have forgiven our debtors,
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
Lord’s Prayer – From Westcott & Hort English Version, 1905
Oração do Pai Nosso – de Westcott & Hort Versão Inglesa, 1905
“Translated from Westcott and Hort’s Greek text, q.v. sub Greeg (Ancient)”
“Traduzido do texto Grego de Westcott e Hort, q.v. sub Greeg (Antigo)”
Our heavenly Father,
May thy Name be held holy,
thy Kingdom come,
and thy will be done –
on earth, as in Heaven.
Give us to-day
our bread for the day before us,
And forgive us our debts,
as we, too, have forgiven our debtors;
And do not take us into temptation,
but deliver us from Evil