Lord’s Prayer – English Fenton Version, 1925


Lord’s Prayer – English Fenton Version, 1925

Oração do Pai Nosso – Versão Inglesa de Fenton, 1925

“The Holy Bible in Modern English” by Ferrar Fenton
London: S. W. Partridge & Co.

“A Bíblia Sagrada em Inglês Moderno” by Ferrar Fenton
London: S. W. Partridge & Co.

Our Father in the Heavens;

Your Name must be being hallowed.

Your Kingdom must be being restored.

Your Will must be being done

Both in Heaven and upon the Earth.

Give us to-day our to-morrow’s bread;

And forgive us our faults,

as we forgive those offending us,

for You would not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from its evil

Mas o Senhor está entronizado para sempre; preparou o seu trono para exercer o juízo. Ele mesmo julga o mundo com justiça; julga os povos com eqüidade.

Salmos 9:7-8